Just on 2 weeks into lock down and it has certainly been an interesting exercise in staying & working from home.
We trust you’re well and pleased to know, as your design, print & signage partner – that we’re here for you when you need us or just for a good ol’ chin-wag.
Sure we aren’t in the studio – but rest assured we’re all working from home and here for all your design and essential print* & signage* needs. What better time to think about new branding or a brand refresh when you have fewer interruptions?
With budgets tight and income low, now’s the time to be thinking of ways to keep marketing your business – but on a budget, so we’ve put together 4 tips for promoting your business on a budget that you may find helpful.
Like all New Zealand business, we’re doing our very utmost to prevent the spread of the Covid 19. If you’d like to learn how we’re supporting the health and well being of our staff, suppliers, partners, you and our other customers at printing.com HQ in Wellington, click here.
Keep in touch, we’d love to hear from you. Be kind, be supportive, be safe and thank you for your continued support and we wish you all the best throughout this unprecedented time.
We wish you a Happy & safe Easter
Neil, Tania & the Team
*We can only produce print & signage during lock down that forms part of the supply line for an essential business (eg: for freight companies, food companies, health and associated businesses).
For the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19 visit the website or for health advice, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453